Good day everybody! Cervantes Students activity !
Hello guys this is a short homework where you need to translate into English the following Anne Frank quotation.
“Women should be respected as well! Generally speaking, men are held in great esteem in all parts of the world, so why shouldn't women have their share? Soldiers and war heroes are honored and commemorated, explorers are granted immortal fame, martyrs are revered, but how many people look upon women too as soldiers?...Women, who struggle and suffer pain to ensure the continuation of the human race, make much tougher and more courageous soldiers than all those big-mouthed freedom-fighting heroes put together!” ― Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl
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ResponderEliminarI think that currently the life of women is more interesting a lot more challenging. Women have always managed to incorporate into their roles, (mother, wife...) new responsibilities. Women have managed to be professionals, and perform their work well.
ResponderEliminarDifficulties to gain recognition are the result of historical factors, and this why the struggle for equality of opportunity has strengthen the rights of women. Today women can have differents roles, and also reach their goals
This young girl was ahead of her time. Even when she was in an awful situation of confinement, she could make great statements. Women are the most underrated heroes of all times, and as Anne says “Women should be respected". Women have to raise their voices and daughters and sons should help them to make it louder.
ResponderEliminarThis is a strong opinion coming from a little girl who was aware of the reality in that specific period of time. She may have not lived for many years, but she did know what she was talking about. It amazes me, but it also makes me sad when I compare her with modern kids, or even teenagers. About her words, I strongly believe that society has change, at least a little, in terms of women rights being as equal as men’s. I’m proud to see women standing up to men and society and being successful at it because they deserve our respect and our admiration.
ResponderEliminarI am completaly agree with this girl quotation, women should not be taken like weak, or less important persons in any place of the world, fortunatly nowadays this is a fact, and we have more oportunities to show that we are not as weak as we look and that we are as important in this world like men are. In this world men and women needs each other, so all of us should have the same value in society.
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ResponderEliminarMen and society have always considered to women as the weak sex because, they have done everything in the house as wash the dishes, attend to their husbands while they work, etcetera. We need to keep in my mind that women are the best creation that God made, not only because they’re warm and caring but also, because they are always doing a lot of things to move forward, to fight for their lives and to not being discriminated by anyone. Anne Frank is the best example to describe women these days, because in spite of the fact that she was hidden by a lot of time, she always fought to keep her alive and not to lose the faith.
ResponderEliminarThis quotation is a really good example of what real women should think. Women in our days must think this same way, because a woman is not less than a man, and no man have the right to make her feel that way. Women are the most incredible and strong beings in this world, and some men are always trying to make them feel that this is not true. A woman is the strongest being in the world, but also the loveliest person in our life, so they deserve the whole respect and love that we can give them.
ResponderEliminarThe world is male chauvinist is what the quotation says, throughout the history the women haven’t been in the important events, the woman have been dedicated to be housewife, wet nurse, etc. In the century XX began events where the women obtained the rights that nowadays they have, but in spite of nowadays the women have the same privileges that the man; still exist the male chauvinist, because are few the women chiefs in enterprises, still there is aggression against the women and some women don´t say nothing for fear of reprisals. This quotation shows what the women feel but some of they don´t dare to tell it.
ResponderEliminarFor many years women have been undervalued compared to what they can achieve, they have always had to defenerse masculine overtones have thought are weak, the women have shown strength with relevant acts and dedication to achieve their goals, a woman from birth attests to how hard it its kind happens in your life, even though a while back they were simply displaced by considerations unfounded bad male in society, which has changed to merit them, who have given more than evidence of how capable they are.
EliminarThis girl was right in so many things, maybe because of the time she had to live with, where women had to fight for her life and her children in the most terrible conditions. Furthermore, women have been fighting since the beginning of time, all along with men, not behind or ahead, but beside them, and we keep forgetting that. Women are as brave, courageous and strong as men are. Moreover, women are also passionated, loving and caring and that is what I think make us just as powerful.
ResponderEliminarIn these times the women are stronger than some men. This is because they don't feel less than a man; they can do and achieve all things that they propouse in her life. Some women get important jobs; like be presidents of some countries and important companies. Also, there are many women whose are doctors or nurse. And they do this for save other’s life. This shows us that the women aren't weak like some people thinks. ¿What will be the world without women?
ResponderEliminarThis little girl was an inspiration to society, because even she was in an awful situation, she didn’t give up at all. The world has many women whom work hard every day to take care of family and try to give the best of them. We have to remember that each women, for example, a sweet grandmother, a little girl have their own charm, and that is what makes them specials and uniques. I consider Anna Frank is the best example to describe women, because she was intelligent and valiant in that situation.
ResponderEliminarSometimes we can see a constant fight between the masculinity and femininity and that it ilogical because like a balance needs of both. Personally I don't believe than one is more important than the other, and this little girl loud voice and learn to the society as we are sames and we have the same dignity.
ResponderEliminarToday the women is important part of daily live and almost always are sitting in the shair of the boss, manager and presidency. they are our inspiration and maybe tomorrow we are indispensable without her work.
Nowadays women can use those words of that little girl like an inspiration for life. Women cannot be treated like the weaker sex, because we play the same role as men in society. We could also say that their role is more important, because in addition to work for get a better world, women preserves life with her most sacred job that is be a mother.
EliminarWomen have been rejected and neglected by society throughout history, in some cultures used as objects, and never allowed to be themselves, considered less in their potential, but all of this is not true.
ResponderEliminarWomen have the power and the value to change the world to love and to shine with a big purpose and amazing abilities that make women extraordinary human beings.