19 nov 2011

The Passive voices: Exercises.(Cervantes students only)

Part I: The passive voice.
A. Instruction: Change the following active voice sentences into the passive voice.

1. Sonia is going to buy a new purse. ____________________________________________________________.
2. They read a new novel about Edgar Allan Poe. __________________________________________________.
3. Carlos will have helped John. ________________________________________________________________.
4. We had built a new gas station. _______________________________________________________________.
5. He was eating a tasty hamburger. _____________________________________________________________.
6. She bought a new computer. _________________________________________________________________.

B. Instruction: Complete the following sentences using the words.

Was read /Should be taught /has been written /was helped

is being pulled /were built

1. The old houses ______________________________ by the Pioneers.
2. The new letter ____________________________ by the Principal.
3. Mary ____________________________ by Miss. Susan Brown.
4. The wagon ___________________________ by two horses.
5. Children _____________________________ to respect their elders.
6. The top number ________________________ by him.

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