Does violence in video games contribute to real life violence? by Aaron Michael
http://www.helium.com/items/791147-does-violence-in-video-games-contribute-to-real-life-violence?page=2Created on: January 12, 2008 Last Updated: June 24, 2011
The question is highly controversial. There is no hard evidence to support one side or the other. In my personal experience, video games I have played have had significant influence on my thought patterns and behavioral impulses. For instance, after playing a racing game for an hour or two, getting in the car to drive I found myself taking harder turns and accelerating faster. Is it coincidence? I think not. Did I consciously choose to drive more aggressively? No. It was simply mental conditioning from the "training" of the video game which altered my style of driving without my even thinking about it.
Everyone learns differently, and maybe for some people video games have no influence on their real life at all. However in my case, I know that the answer would be yes, if I were to play violent video games. Because I know this to be the case, I don't play violent video games. I know I am also strongly influenced by what I see on TV and in movies, and what I read. Consequently I avoid watching movies or television, or reading books that depict situations or actions which I would not want myself involved in or doing.
The thing about video games and other entertainment is that in order to make a profit, the designers need to include something that sets their product ahead of the rest. The easiest way to do this, besides top-notch graphics, is to include an element of shock. As a result, with the passage of time, games become more violent, more explicit, more illicit, or what have you. Meanwhile, the consumer becomes increasingly desensitized to higher levels of violence, etc. In a progression of consistent usage, eventually the violence becomes normal. Without knowing it, violence has become part of the mental processes of the consumer.
Consider a hypothetical test subject living an average life who has had a high level of involvement in violent video games. At some given point in the subject's life they may face a problem or conflict in which violence is one of a number of possible solutions, but not the most beneficial or effective one. Having played it out in their mind so many times, it only makes sense that a violent course of action would more quickly present itself in their mind and seem a more acceptable or normal course of action and thus easier to adopt as a solution than it would otherwise, if they had not had the same level of exposure to it. This is not to say that the subject would definitely take a violent course of action, but it does make it more likely.
I think that by increasing the likelihood of violent actions in the way described above and in other ways, violence in video games does contribute to real life violence. Do I think it is the sole or primary cause? Actually, I don't. Video games have been around less than 100 years. Violence, however, has been around since the beginnings of human history. The first child ever born murdered his younger brother out of jealousy. The causes of violence are numerous. Video game violence is not the cause of real life violence, but I think it exacerbates the problem. Unfortunately, some people may convince themselves that by letting off steam in a video game through violent enactments, they are avoiding the actualization of such behavior in themselves and others. This is a tempting conclusion to draw. However, what is actually happening is that they are merely encouraging and reinforcing the root of violent behavior in themselves by permitting those feelings to go unchecked in a virtual environment.
Because it is not in the real world they feel it is harmless entertainment. However, letting that emotion have free reign within a simulated environment is a form of training and conditioning. It could be years later long after violent thought patterns have become ingrained and solidified in their minds that a situation in real life catches them off guard (as real-life is prone to do), and for that split second when they are not in control their mental-emotional conditioning reacts impulsively and they suddenly find that they have committed a horrible act in real life without even thinking about it. When questioned by the authorities, or their own conscience they will probably say something like, "I don't know what happened, one moment we were in an argument, and the next moment, so-and-so was on the floor in a pool of blood." God forbid such a thing should happen. The human mind is a sponge. It absorbs whatever liquid it is placed in. When we're squeezed, whatever has been brewing around in our heads comes out in our actions, one way or another.
It is important to understand the fundamental truth that whatever you surround yourself with will become part of who you are, regardless of what you think about it. If virtual reality has no impact on human behavior, then why are pilots trained in flight simulators? Why are there so many software programs available for everything from improving your golf swing to learning Spanish? To a certain degree, they work. We are fooling ourselves if we think that human behavior is not influenced by the things we see, hear and enact. Violent video games do contribute to real life violence because they train those who play them to act violently in real life.
I think the comment for this topic is mainly personal, because everybody adopts a different way to perceive videogames; you can watch documentaries telling you about how videgames can influence you, but at the end it will be common sense the one to prevail, but of course there are people that really get more sensitive to the visual media. anyway censorship under age should continue and parents as always have to take care of what kind of games children are playing.
ResponderEliminarBy: Keiber Jaimes
I agree with the author that violence games influence in children´ mind.They win a game when They increase violence, speed, deaths, and want to repeat that experience. They are not bad, only They are mistaked. So I suggest, especially children, have to guide their energies in an edifying environment. Not in violence game. Responsible parents have to be focused in come out the most positive things that each one have.In this way I think violence games ca be decrease.
ResponderEliminarBy Eurydice Barboza.
Personally, I agree with the opinion of the author, since this topic has been a point of contention in many families, the kids in recent years have taken refuge in these games,somehow, they move away from the reality around them , and not face the reality they want in their subconscious, get into a reality that not belongs to them, so therefore, to quote the author, all that the human learn in her process "absorbed" at the time of formation, will be reflected at any time, putting at risk the whole of humanity, there comes the importance of this article, need to be aware of who we are and we,to come to recognize what we will do.
ResponderEliminarBY: ANA MARQUEZ
Hello, I think it all depends on the type of games and the person that uses it, is true that there is too aggressive videos games and can contribute to violence in real life.
ResponderEliminarThere are people who are mentally vulnerable and are carried away by the fantasy. The video games is a vice difficult to leave, but playing video games as distractions do not think that is bad. is important to monitor the person and see if it brings any change in mental or physical performance. The violence is more old as the video games and a person is violent, if not have a good education, but nowadays parents should set limits for children with these games. sport is the best distraction for download and full of positive energy.
BY: Charley Valero
Video games are dangerous, if we don´t know choose;and even more if we lef our younger brothers play video games. I think it´s a class or school for learn the violence, many children leave the street to play with their neighbors and they imagine that they have a gun in their hands. I couln´t think. What can a child do with a gun? Only he´d do a video games.
ResponderEliminarBy: Gladys Zambrano
I think that video games don’t have influence in children’s minds. Maybe in some cases but not always it depends of the kids. in my case, when I was a child, I used to play videogames and I never felt diferent but my brother used to play videogames too all day but only a violent game change his behavior. He turned more aggressive and hostile.
ResponderEliminarIn the actuality video games have bad influence in kids of course not all video games but war games are too much realistic and can create different psychological problems. On the other hand parents should monitored the videogames that she buy. and they should encourage their kids to train a sport to keep them busy and far away from the video games, at least for a long time.
Hi everyone! Excellent topic. From my point view, violence is not only present in video games, but also on television, the internet and movies. But violence in video games is the most alarming, as these are interactive, allow complete immersion of the person in the situation, requires that the person identifies with the character and that this act for him. Therefore, makes the person moves away from the reality around him, and start to imitate what happens in the game. Must be taken into account, that not everyone is affected in the same way, some are more vulnerable than others.
ResponderEliminarBy: Ana Teresa Moros
I think it has to do with the person playing these videogames; he made a good point when he said that he knows he’s affected by videogames and that’s why he doesn’t play games with violence in it. I can choose one with fairies and magic and it doesn’t make me believe those things actually exist. Games with a high content of violence are rated, it is the parents job to control what their kids play with. And if we’re talking about an adult with problems to see the difference between fiction and reality then that person needs to be very careful. Videogames are a fun tool you can use on your free time but you can’t let them rule your life.
ResponderEliminarBy: Kiara Isidro.
I think that the reason why Video games have a clasification is as a warning, of course for children It can't be appropriate a violent video game and is there where the parents have to be aware of what kids are playing, watching or doing, and also teach them values. When people have age enough to play that kind of video games maybe can help them in some ways as a distraction or to let out some feelings they have but just in that imaginary world, but there are exceptions, I think that If an adult plays violent video games and feel influenced for them to do violent acts or become in a violent person maybe have some problems. So it all depends on the person who's playing it, but I think the violence problems comes from home and family.
ResponderEliminarThe previous comment was added By: Edilmar Moreno
ResponderEliminarhi ..! interesting topic, I think videogames can influence in a way, because today there is much violence in them, but nevertheless, we must take into account, as the author says: "Violence has existed since the beginning of the history of mankind". Not only the videogames can influence. the Alcoholism, drug addiction, too. and is very important the formation of children, precisely because childhood is the starting point for teaching a person's behavior.
ResponderEliminarBy: Laura Ayala
Well, I guess that Videogames do not influence anything in violence of the daily life, guess that violence comes from another part, from a personal attitude, or the way of being of everyone. And I believe it, that because not only the video games shows and stimulate violence, the movies, the Internet, real games like; paintball, airsoft. Now, when the video games are used in excess it can turn an addition for the users, and in many cases it might become sickly.
ResponderEliminarBy Eynor Cárdenas
The article is very objective as we speak of a latent actually pretty today. In my personal opinion I think the video game violence does influence indirectly the behavior of people who spend a lot of time in such games, and that contact with such violence can be one or many ways suggestible or induce behaviors or socially and morally improper reactions.
ResponderEliminarI will not deny that I feel certain fanaticism for games and I must also confess my affinity for those with some degree of violence and although I know that is not entirely healthy, I do my best not to take so much importance to the barbaric acts of violence or that such games offered for not so directly affect my social and moral development.
By Nestor Osorio
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ResponderEliminarIn my pesonal opinion, I guess the violence in video games has a different influence in children that in adults. Because is very probably that children lose the real focus of life and lose the capacity of differentiate what's real and what's real not, as well. so, it will be appropriate the law bans that kind of games at least for children of certain age.. however, this is very unlikely, but as soon as this happen, parents should have to control what their children play and see, it would be a way of ensure a good life for them in future. Therefore, it's clear that for me, violent videos games have a huge negative influence in children behavior.
ResponderEliminarWell, I share the point of view of this article, but it is more than the influence of video games, the influence of all media in general terms. Because video games are undoubtedly influence on people, I think the same applies to all media. But it depends on each person, if you allow what you see, hear or play on the net somehow influenced him. In the case of children is different, because your mind gets all in a different way and they need to learn to differentiate between what they see in the media and real life.
ResponderEliminarBy: Yolmar Hernández
hello ...
ResponderEliminarlong time the technology has influenced our lives, in this case video games are more salient things of our time. In my personal opinion if video games can be capacez to change the attitude of people. the children can be the most affected in any case our future generations live in the same way this euphoria. since, in their great majority are violent video games and show very strong images for the general public.
My advice to parents it would be observe the video games their children. and motivate them to play sports.
By: Genesis Molina
hi everybody, well i'm not sure about the point of view of the author, because i think that all of this depends of the parental control and the familiar enviroment.I am a clear example I have grown up playing games like call of duty in all his versions, medal of honor, ghost recoon age of empires, among others, and let me tell you something this are games whit extreme violence,shooting and revenge and i haven't kill anyone i'm just the same normal boy who plays videogames, study and work at the same time, oh by the way this is one of my hobbies by Yhonatan Garcia
ResponderEliminarHello! I started to play video games since I was only a child, I was only 7 years old when I started to play games for childrens in different types of consoles, games of war, sports and rol (misisions or strategy). When I grew up my favorite theme for games was the fiction and violence i killed hundred of zombies, demons and strangers creatures with weapons, knifes, inclusive only with the hands, that way I was forced to learn english and logical to solve problems and riddles on every game. That was my first motivation to learn english and now I'm not a violent person, even I don't like violence I think there's other ways to solve problems, for that reason I don't think that video games are the reason for the violence in the persons, that is just an excuse to find the real reason of violence. By: Rumenique Meza
ResponderEliminarWell i think that the video games of nowadays are a big influence in the kids, the message that this gives to them is obviously the violence, the graphics the sounds the weapons, the blood, that kind of stuff are very appealing for they, and it can be very serious if they take their life as one of that games; they possibly think that they can rule the world or crazy things that change the pattern of their behavior, and make them very violent as a result of the huge influence of this. the parents need to watch what the kids are playing for avoid irreparable things.
ResponderEliminarI believe that violent video games do not represent a problem for everyone who plays them, in reality violent video games increase violent behaviors in those who naturally have violent tendencies, people with certain negative personality traits as well as kids who are in the development stages of life will be more affected by this type of games. On the other hand, the people who have a non violent behavior, better consciousness, awareness and empathy, will handle their emotions in a better way and will be able to distinguish between fantasy and reality. Although I believe that video games in general may come with negative effects and potential harm in all cases due to the possibility of addiction and therefore lower performance in school or lack of motivation to do anything productive. In conclusion I don't believe that violent video games should be blamed as the reason why people becomes violent or commit anti-social behavior.
ResponderEliminarFor people the appeal of video games is through them you can pass of the gaze to the action, but they are not aware of how this influences their behavior. It is not alien to the phenomenon of violence, the compulsivity, sexism, or isolation. I think this is phenomenon of identification that causes changes in behavior. Reason that most people forget values, and attitudes that lead to the constant use of these video games.
ResponderEliminarWell, is true in some videogames there are many violence and it every day is more hard and morbid, nowadays there are titles with best histories and graphics, but all this is consequence of marketing, that is to say one company this sector launch a new product and it needs to be sell,
ResponderEliminarOne way in order to obtain it is please to public that like it. To use a videogame like a way for fun and to escape from real world and problems can be good, but when it’s converting an addiction can get problem in some cases. Also the violence that shows the people can be product of emotional shock their infancy or other situation that they’ve suffered throughout their life and only the videogames help to wake up that violence into them, besides the violence is in all sides and it can be provoke for anything. Moreover the videogames are watched for organization that limited their use for ages and content kind, only we should pay attention, thus we’ll take care of child and other persons.
Well, first of all I don't agree with the author about his commentary or point of view of this topic. Because, I think that violence in video games doesn’t contribute to real life violence, for me the real life violence comes the lack of education and values that parents give their children at home. I think that people, who leave it influence for violence in video games, are people that have weak mind or are insane it. Thousands of children and young people play these violent video games in their houses, and they don’t the same things those games in their real life. Only a few people act of this way, because is very probably that they lose the real focus of life and lose the capacity of differentiate what's real and what's real not, as well.
ResponderEliminarWithout doubt, I think that video games influence the rational behavior of a young, but as we know I'm right? I am a racing video game player, also from gun violence, also participated in a flight simulator for pilots, and I think that by practicing these activities, my behavior has not been affected or influenced in any way. I believe that violence is more influenced by the environment we have and especially for certain people around us, and perhaps because some people are a little crazy, no offense.
ResponderEliminarRenzo Barrios
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ResponderEliminarI think that nowadays violence in real life can be caused for any reason. I remember a massacre in an USA's high school where two kids came in and killed a lot of people and then they committed suicide, all of this because they spent 3 weeks of their life playing a violent game, so they tried to imitate the things they saw in the game. So I think that violence is related with all kind of stuff that we've been trough or we'll pass trough... Violence is in ourselves and it can be provoked by anything we see or experience in a normal day or simply in a game, video, movie or just a reading...
ResponderEliminarWell, I think that this kind of videogames can contribute to real violence, because we all know how the childrens are, they want to imitate all they see in tv, movies, or games so it can help to make them violent. But is not just the games, I think the violence or any behavior of people depends of the education that they have received and the environment where they have developed. On the other side, I also think that violence is in each one of us, we just have to learn how to control ourselves and always remember that violence is not the solution, maybe just in videogames.
ResponderEliminarMost of parents, not all, don't let them kids play that kind of video games because they think they're dangerous. I think that parents try to educate them children in the best possible way in order that they could be unrolled in a totally free environment of violence.
ResponderEliminarAs the children play violent video games, it can damage them in an emotionally and psychologically way and they can become violent in real life with others for seeing the images that appear in the game. Children not only imitate what they see in the video games but also in what they see in the TV and especially in what they see in their parents. If they see that their parents do something wrong and they tell them that it's nice, then the child will think that his behavior is nice.
Violent video games can affect some people who play it and some people who don’t; it only depends of the environment where we live.
I agree with Aaron, because I used to play violence video games. At first, I just play for fun with my brothers, but with the pass of time I noticed some addiction, and an increase in the level of violence between them. Otherwise, I guess that everyone doesn't have the same mental weakness because I didn't become violent, but the addiction for violence video games and other similar stuffs was increase.
ResponderEliminarI think that parents shouldn't leave theirs children play those games because it encourages a behavior inappropriate and that can brings real life problems. Also, there are TV shows, movies, comics and even books that promote kids violence's, that's why we need worry about the content that is accessible to our children, because it could be a principal cause of the current social decay!
Violence is everywhere, whether we see it or not. I personally believe violence comes natural to human beings because of our instinct to survive. However, it is the way we are raised and educated that make us civilized. So, do video games contribute to violence? Sure, but is not the only or even the main cause. There are plenty of causes and for make an example, we just need to turn on the TV.
ResponderEliminarViolence has become almost a normal behavior in today’s society and not necessarily because of video games. For young people, it’s a normal activity to do but adults hardly play them and it doesn’t stop them from becoming violent. I don’t deny the fact that video games can be a trigger to be abusive but it also has a lot to do with the way we are raised. If we grow up in a violent environment, we are likely to become an abusive kind of person, even if we don’t watch TV or play video games of that kind of gender.
ResponderEliminarThis is a subjective topic. I really think that real life violence, exceeds violence's shows in any entertainment product.I also think, that blaming this products it's just lame, violence is in the human nature, but is not always shown in real life, so, there are people that scape from reality and sink into this games, create a virtual life and spend time there, without hurting nobody.
ResponderEliminarMany people say: “we are living in a violent society”, but there are different factors that can contribute to real life violence. For example: the education that you are receiving, the influences or the environment where we usually are living. I think that the videos games are very interesting, because when I used to play videos games, I felt that I was in a real history. It was fantastic. Nevertheless, we must be careful with the types of videos games that you can play.
ResponderEliminarHi!, I think that the video games affects, in a indirectly way, to the kids and young, because they are loaded with violence, blood and negative stuff. Is not necessary the blood and violence to have a good time, we can find other kinds of games for the kids that can be used to entertain and educate them at the same time. What can we expect from a kid that all his life played this type of games, a violent person?, a bully?, that’s not what we want for the future generation. My point is, games is not just bullets and guns, is that the youngest ones enjoy playing and have a distraction but in a responsible way
ResponderEliminarFor me, part of this lecture is truth, i mean, i have played violent video games in my life and a lot of them, and guess what, i never felt the need of kill somebody.
ResponderEliminarall this depends of your culture and where around who you were growing up. If you believe in god, if you have good value, and you love everybody like you love yourself, you won´t have trouble with that.
Obviously is much better to play something like fifa, baseball, mario cars than violent games but come on guys wake up, we live in a violence world, and the only way that we should use to change this is, be a nice person and love everybody around you, like you love yourself.
personally I do not play video games, but after reading the article and analyze it and have read earlier articles related to the area in other magazines, I think if they can influence in the reaction of people in real situations. there are people who get so into the game that tend to confuse the reality of the game and vice versa. It is also well known that the simulators were created for a possible training in real life situations, so it is understandable that it becomes part of the reality of people.
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion the misuse of video games contribute or could cause addiction among children, loss of interest in other training activities, even more attention grabbing and modifying its behavior unfavorably. Misuse of Videogames produce symptoms and reactions similar to those derived from the use and drug addiction, this is because they cause withdrawal symptoms and an irrepressible tendency to continue the game but can also generate addictive behaviors, and become a "haven" dangerous for children with socialization or extreme shyness.
ResponderEliminarBy Rivas Liliana Idiomas Extranjeros
Personally, I think that the excessive use of violent video games affect people's personality.
ResponderEliminarWe must take into account the influence of things and not just talk about the game, to some extent affect our personality.
for example. The people with whom we live.
The sites we frequent.
Violent video games, as expressed in the text. Often does the manufacturer to sell more, consumers are demanding more new things, and if they are violent beginning and obviously want more and more violence always