2 dic 2012

Contenidos de la Unidad Curricular: Uso de las TIC en la enseñanza y aprendizaje del Inglés.


Unidad Temática I: La siguiente Unidad Temática intenta hacer un acercamiento constructivista, innovador y generador de opiniones sobre la interesante forma de enseñar, aprender y evaluar el Inglés como Lengua Extranjera en conexión con las Nuevas Tecnología de la Información y Comunicación (TIC), haciendo énfasis en los contenidos conceptuales, caracterización, usos, fortalezas, debilidades y demás generalidades referidas a su implementación y desarrollo de un aula de clase virtual.
• ¿Qué es una TIC?
• Característica de una TIC
• Tipos de TIC
• Uso de las TIC en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje
• Uso de las TIC en la enseñanza y elaprendizaje de una lengua extranjera como el Inglés
• Aspectos legales referentes al uso de las TIC en el contexto educativo venezolano.
• Ventajas y desventajas del uso de las TIC en la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera como el Inglés.
• Entornos virtuales, ¿Son confiables?
• La evaluación del aprendizaje del Inglés y los entornos virtuales.

Unidad Temática II: Habiendo conocido los relevantes aspectos conceptuales concernientes a las TIC, y pudiendo discernir de manera autónoma y grupal el grado de utilidad de la implementación de las tecnologías en la enseñanza, aprendizaje y evaluación del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera, conviene ahora enumerar y describir aquellas herramientas que actualmente están siendo implementadas por los docentes del área de Inglés. Es conveniente dejar claro, que lo ideal no es sustituir la idea preconcebida que se tenga sobre el uso de las TIC, por el contario, se busca contrastar la experiencia personal con aquellas vividas por los propios autores auspiciadores de las herramientas virtuales, dejando claro lo que realmente funciona como las TIC y lo que no lo es, al punto de poder conocer, analizar y determinar con juicio crítico su utilidad.
  • ?
  • ?

NOTE: Hello guys! Your teacher shows you the following homework. You have to write, according to your own reseach, the differents tools related to CIT.How are you going to get it? Remember, you need to send your constribution writing the answer into the comments box behind every reading, in this case, you should write your homework answer behind this content. Also, watch the following video about "Learning a language: How CIT's English language students use technology in the classroom", and write your point of view related to a negative or positive aspects.

13 feb 2012


“Dr. Pedro Rincón Gutiérrez”
Departamento de Idiomas Modernos
Estrategias para la comprensión lectora
de una lengua extranjera (Inglés)


Part I. False friends. 1.
INSTRUCTION: Encierre en un circulo la palabra "Falso cognado" que no establesca sentido a la oración.
1. My sister is PREGNANT / EMBARRASSED . She’s going to have a baby in January.
2. I used to work as a teacher but CURRENTLY / ACTUALLY I’m unemployed.
3. I have a bad COLD / CONSTIPATION. My nose is running and I have a sore throat.
4. My favourite SUBJECT / SIGNATURE is mathematics.
5. My daughter is very SENSIBLE / SENSITIVE and starts crying easily.
6. The film was a big SUCCESS / EXIT.
7. He's a good student and ATTENDS / ASSISTS all his lessons.
8. Don't worry. I'll ADVISE / SUGGESTION you if I see any danger coming.
9. The new neighbours are always having loud ARGUMENTS / DISCUSSION. We can hear their shouts through the thin walls.
10.I'd rather find a job and start working than spending another three to five uyears studying a university DEGREE / CARRER.

Part II: Conditional sentences.

INSTRUCTION: Circle the correct phrases and form Conditional sentences.
1) If it doesn't rain /didn't rain /hadn't rained , we'd be in the garden.
2) She wouldn't have had two laptops if she does not sign /did not sign /had not signed the contract.
3) If I were a millionaire, I will live /would live /would have lived in Beverly Hills.
4) If we had read the book, we will understand/would understand /would have understood the film.
5) We will watch /would watch /would have watched TV tonight if Peter hadn't bought the theatre tickets.
6) You would save energy if you switch off /switched off /had switched off the lights more often.

Part III: Comparative and superlative.
INSTRUCTION: Underline the correct word.

1. Karina is the (nice / nicer / nicest) of my friend
2. That blue jacket is (cheap / cheaper / cheapest) than the yellow one.
3. Elliot arrived (early / earlier / earliest) than you.
4. Xiomara is not so (Thin / thinner / thinnest) as Raul.

5 feb 2012

Comparative and superlative. (Cervantes Students 3rd Grade)
A. Instruction: Underline the correct word.
1. Daniel is the (nice / nicer / nicest) of my friend
2. That house is (cheap / cheaper / cheapest) than yours.
3. You came (early / earlier / earliest) than you did yesterday.
4. Ana is not so (Thin / thinner / thinnest) as Raul.

B. Instruction: Write sentences using the comparative “ The …est” using the following adjectives.

1. Tall: _____________________________________________________________________________.
2. Short: _____________________________________________________________________________.
3. Happy:
4. Fat: _____________________________________________________________________________.

C. Instruction: Write sentences using the comparative “…er than” using the following adjectives.

1. Ugly: _____________________________________________________________________________.
2. New: _____________________________________________________________________________.
3. Clean: _____________________________________________________________________________.
4. Sad: _____________________________________________________________________________.

5. Instruction: Write sentences using the comparative “as … as”” using the following adjectives.

1. Pretty: _____________________________________________________________________________.
2. Cold: _____________________________________________________________________________.
3. Big: _____________________________________________________________________________.
4. High: _____________________________________________________________________________.

27 ene 2012

Hello Guys! This is an activity to Geography ans History students!

Mathematical Symbols
Match the correct answer-
1)+ a) minus.
2) - b) plus
3) * c) Times
4)/ d) divided
5) = e) Equals

The Cardinals Numbers
Now Write The Number in Spanish Right next to it :


Fifty hundread five five
Three hundread
Three hundread forty
Nine hundread two
Six hundread thirty six
One hundread
One thosend three hundread fifty
Two thosend four hundread eighty

Rewrite the following year.
1939- Nineteen Thirteen Nine

1) 1992-
2) 1567-
3) 2005-
4) 2060-
5) 1897-
6) 1987-
7) 1996-
8) 1998-

Match the Correct Answer
Find the correct letter that comes with it –

1) 7 + 9 a) Nine divided by Three.
2) 2* 1= b) Seven Plus Nine
3) 9/3= c) One Time Two
4) 1*2= d) Two Time One

Rewrite the following Fraction-

One Half =

One Third=

two quarter=

six eighth=

twelve third=

Write the Root in number.


The Squared root of Sixteen-

1) Squared root of five-
2) Squared root of Twelve-
3) Squared root of Eighty nine-
4) Squared root of Thirty Six-

Translate the next Operations into English

9/3= Nine Divided by Three

1) 1+ 2=
2) ½=
3) 2* 2=
4) 5/5 =
5) 6*1 =
6) 5+5=
7) 4+6=
8) 2*2=

Decimal Currency
Match the correct answer.

1) $ 2.45 a) Six Dollars
2) $ 4.56 b) two dollars and forty five cents
3) $ 4.00 c) Five Dollars
4) $ 5.00 d) Four Dollars
5) $ 6.00 e) Four dollars and Fifty Six Cents

21 ene 2012

Good day everybody! Cervantes Students activity !

Hello guys this is a short homework where you need to translate into English the following Anne Frank quotation.

“Women should be respected as well! Generally speaking, men are held in great esteem in all parts of the world, so why shouldn't women have their share? Soldiers and war heroes are honored and commemorated, explorers are granted immortal fame, martyrs are revered, but how many people look upon women too as soldiers?...Women, who struggle and suffer pain to ensure the continuation of the human race, make much tougher and more courageous soldiers than all those big-mouthed freedom-fighting heroes put together!” Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl