Improve your English
This is a new way for improving and getting your english skills sharing your knowledges about learning and teaching english as a foreign language
15 jun 2015
Grammar focus
En el siguiente link podrás observar detalladamente algunos ejercicios relacionados con la gramática. Sigue las instrucciones del docente facilitador e intenta desarrollarlos.
Procedimientos técnicos de traducción
A continuación se muestran una serie de procedimientos técnicos los cuales facilitarán el desarrollo de la traducción de los textos del Inglés a la lengua materna. Prueba en el siguiente enlace.
25 mar 2014
False friends or false cognates
This an activity for 4th grade students only.
Hi guys! How are you going to resolve the following activity?
Well, you are going to start watching this blog:
Try to read and understand all the information related to False friend. Then, you need to write all the exercises in your note book, or get a copy from this web site in order to resolve them.
This is the web site:
Now you have to resolve these exercises: you can get a copy and then put into your note book.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
This an activity for 4th grade students only.
Hi guys! How are you going to resolve the following activity?
Well, you are going to start watching this blog:
Try to read and understand all the information related to False friend. Then, you need to write all the exercises in your note book, or get a copy from this web site in order to resolve them.
This is the web site:
Now you have to resolve these exercises: you can get a copy and then put into your note book.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
22 mar 2014
This is an activity for 3th year students.
Sections: B, C and D.
Hi guys! In this unit we are gointo to do short a review about prepositions of locations (Place), but you should know and understand how work everyone of those words. Look at the following chart:

1st homework
Now, you have to do a short research where you can explain evryone of those prepositions. Write them in your notebook. For example, you can start writing about "in or inside." So you need to write something like this:
In or inside: significa dentro de o en. Es usado también para ...
Also, you need to write examples, such as:
"The car is in the garaje"
" in 1976..."
"in the mornig" etc.
2nd homework
Copy the following exercises in your notebook, or you can get a copy and put in your notebook.
Finally, try to understand the following chart about how to use "at", "in" and "on"
Complete the following exercise writing: in, at, on
This is an activity for 3th year students.
Sections: B, C and D.
Hi guys! In this unit we are gointo to do short a review about prepositions of locations (Place), but you should know and understand how work everyone of those words. Look at the following chart:

1st homework
Now, you have to do a short research where you can explain evryone of those prepositions. Write them in your notebook. For example, you can start writing about "in or inside." So you need to write something like this:
In or inside: significa dentro de o en. Es usado también para ...
Also, you need to write examples, such as:
"The car is in the garaje"
" in 1976..."
"in the mornig" etc.
2nd homework
Copy the following exercises in your notebook, or you can get a copy and put in your notebook.
Complete the following exercise writing: in, at, on
10 mar 2014
The Anne Frank whole story
She is Anne Frank
Hello guys! In this opportunity you have to see the following video , try to understand and write 10 sentences in english using simple past tense related to actions that Anne did during the short video.
Example of sentence: Anne cried when her sister died.
Look at the video:
Hello guys! In this opportunity you have to see the following video , try to understand and write 10 sentences in english using simple past tense related to actions that Anne did during the short video.
Example of sentence: Anne cried when her sister died.
Look at the video:
Now, look at this music video about Anne Frank and stop on minnute 4:53 and 4:58 and answer the following questions in your note book.
1. How many photos are there on the Wall?
2. How many books are there on the desk?
3. Is there a lamp?
4. Are there a big book near the lamp?
5. Where is tehbig White book?
6. Where is teh diary of Anne?
7. How many beds are there in the Anne Frank Bedroom?
8. Where is the table?
9. Where is the red carpet?
10. How many chairs are there in the bedroom?
Finally, you have to work in a short homework: Write in your note book the differents propositions of locations; functions of everyone and 10 examples using sentences about everyone of those prepositions.
Prefix and suffix
Hello boys and girls the following activity is for 4th year english students only.
How are you going to resolve this activity?
Well, first of all, you have to watch the following video about What are prefixes? pain atention and understand as whole. Please take your time in order to understand all the content about this video.
Next, find in your dictionary forty (40) words with different prefixes, for example:
Write this list in your note book and try to devide those words like this example:
prefix: un
root: know
Look at the video
The second activity is about suffixes you have to do the same like prefixes, but you have to look at this video before.
After wathing the video you need to write a list with different 40 words related to suffixes, example: teacher = TEACH - ER
Hello boys and girls the following activity is for 4th year english students only.
How are you going to resolve this activity?
Well, first of all, you have to watch the following video about What are prefixes? pain atention and understand as whole. Please take your time in order to understand all the content about this video.
Next, find in your dictionary forty (40) words with different prefixes, for example:
Write this list in your note book and try to devide those words like this example:
prefix: un
root: know
Look at the video
The second activity is about suffixes you have to do the same like prefixes, but you have to look at this video before.
After wathing the video you need to write a list with different 40 words related to suffixes, example: teacher = TEACH - ER
2 dic 2012
Contenidos de la Unidad Curricular: Uso de las TIC en la enseñanza y aprendizaje del Inglés.
Unidad Temática I: La siguiente Unidad Temática intenta hacer un acercamiento constructivista, innovador y generador de opiniones sobre la interesante forma de enseñar, aprender y evaluar el Inglés como Lengua Extranjera en conexión con las Nuevas Tecnología de la Información y Comunicación (TIC), haciendo énfasis en los contenidos conceptuales, caracterización, usos, fortalezas, debilidades y demás generalidades referidas a su implementación y desarrollo de un aula de clase virtual.
• ¿Qué es una TIC?
• Característica de una TIC
• Tipos de TIC
• Uso de las TIC en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje
• Uso de las TIC en la enseñanza y elaprendizaje de una lengua extranjera como el Inglés
• Aspectos legales referentes al uso de las TIC en el contexto educativo venezolano.
• Ventajas y desventajas del uso de las TIC en la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera como el Inglés.
• Entornos virtuales, ¿Son confiables?
• La evaluación del aprendizaje del Inglés y los entornos virtuales.
Unidad Temática II: Habiendo conocido los relevantes aspectos conceptuales concernientes a las TIC, y pudiendo discernir de manera autónoma y grupal el grado de utilidad de la implementación de las tecnologías en la enseñanza, aprendizaje y evaluación del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera, conviene ahora enumerar y describir aquellas herramientas que actualmente están siendo implementadas por los docentes del área de Inglés. Es conveniente dejar claro, que lo ideal no es sustituir la idea preconcebida que se tenga sobre el uso de las TIC, por el contario, se busca contrastar la experiencia personal con aquellas vividas por los propios autores auspiciadores de las herramientas virtuales, dejando claro lo que realmente funciona como las TIC y lo que no lo es, al punto de poder conocer, analizar y determinar con juicio crítico su utilidad.
- ?
- ?
NOTE: Hello guys! Your teacher shows you the following homework. You have to write, according to your own reseach, the differents tools related to CIT.How are you going to get it? Remember, you need to send your constribution writing the answer into the comments box behind every reading, in this case, you should write your homework answer behind this content. Also, watch the following video about "Learning a language: How CIT's English language students use technology in the classroom", and write your point of view related to a negative or positive aspects.
22 nov 2012
Welcome to the signature: Learning and Teaching English through CIT.
Welcome to the signature: Learning and Teaching English through CIT.
Hello everybody this is our meeting schedule. Remember we are going to get a meeting twice a month, and for that reason, we have to research and bring a summary related to each point which have been showed in the syllabus.
23 feb 2012
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